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This one product can help prevent scalp ageing

Thursday 02th July 20

hair growth ,scalp care ,scalp serum ,scalpcare
5+ min read

You might be familiar with anti-ageing for the skin on your face – but what about your scalp? Our scalps are just as vulnerable as the skin on our face, but rather than just lines and dullness, an ageing scalp can also have a knock-on effect on our hair. The result is dull, thinning strands and an increased risk of hair loss, which affects 40% of women and 70% of men in their lifetime. 

This was one of the key issues MONPURE was created to treat, that the scalp should be treated with as much care as the skin on our face – with the same ingredients that will keep the skin cells youthful and energised. 

Dr. Sue Ann Chan, MONPURE’s resident dermatologist comments: “I advise my patients to care for their scalp in the same way as they care for the skin on their face. Too often the scalp gets neglected which can lead to hair loss and also a dull appearance in the hair in general.”  

With that in mind – we’ve poured all of our expertise into one serum that will treat the scalp in the same way a supercharged facial serum would care for the skin on the face.

Our Follicle Boost Hair Density Serum was created to tackle hair thinning and hair loss – which go hand-in-hand with scalp ageing. 

Devoid of common irritants and strong chemicals (which can aggravate the scalp and make matters worse), the results-driven formula is brimming with potent botanicals, many of which have been scientifically proven to help with hair loss.

One of its star ingredients is a special pumpkin seed extract. While it might sound like something you’d drizzle on a salad, it can actually work wonders when it comes to combating hair loss. Our resident dermatologist Dr. Sue Ann Chan explains how it works.

“Pumpkin seed extract is becoming more widely used in helping to treat hair loss,” she says. “Testosterone in our body produces a chemical called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which in excess may cause hair loss in certain individuals. This chemical is released by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase, which pumpkin seed extract helps to block. That’s what makes it effective in preventing hair loss, which is why it’s the star ingredient in MONPURE’s Follicle Boost Hair Density Serum.”

It also features a gentle form of retinol (suitable for use in pregnancy) called retinyl palmitate. A popular ingredient with a proven track record in anti-ageing, your scalp loves it as much as your face does, helping to speed up cell turnover, regulating sebum production and boosting collagen (the ‘building blocks’ of your skin). Together with lactic acid, it helps decongest and exfoliate hair follicles. The result? Your scalp-skin is healthier, creating the best environment for thicker, fuller hair to grow through.

All you need to do is massage a few drops into your scalp every day – ideally after you’ve just washed your hair, to help rejuvenate your scalp and boost your hair follicles. After a few weeks of use, you should start to see a real difference in hair thickness and growth. (Plus the uplifting scent of lemongrass and rosemary will boost your mood in the bargain.)

Discover this clever concoction for yourself – shop Follicle Boost Hair Density Serum.


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